Release History

0.1.3 20050609
0.1.2 20050518
0.1.1 20050426
0.1 20050501

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Release 0.1.4 -

fixed It is possible to deploy in Windows using the HTTP interface. Method File.renameTo was not working with Windows jnoguera
fixed is not necessary the codebase parameter in the deployment.props file begins with / jnoguera
fixed Exception when ServentImpl is not found has been changed by an explanation why this happend (usually when using Windows) jnoguera
updated Many slashes (/) have been removed or changed by File.separator jnoguera
new ServentInfo is now a singleton that can be used by all classes running in the servent, Information like IP or port can be get from there jnoguera

Release 0.1.3 - 20050609

new Servent can monitorize its own IP asking other servents.If the ip changes, the FADA node is restarted. jnoguera

Release 0.1.2 - 20050518

update Some interfaces have change. The main change for the user is the ServentContext class that contains some deprecated methods. These deprecated methods will probably be deleted in the next 0.2 version jnoguera
new Servent can monitorize its own IP asking other servents.If the ip changes, the FADA node is restarted. jnoguera
add isolated P2P fucntions as add neigbour or register, unregister form FADA. Core services can use this. jnoguera
update Properti files has been reviewed and changed jnoguera
fix Fixed errors with paths and windows jnoguera
fix Fixed errors with FadaRenewer when registration was not possible jnoguera

Release 0.1.1 - 20050426

add HTTP Handlers can be added to services. DefautlServiceHandler uses Velocity. jnoguera
add CoreAdapter interface must be implemented by "core services" they will get the ServentContext jnoguera
modify Some interfaces has changed. More informacion can be taken from ServiceContext jnoguera
modify changed file:// + file to File.getURL() to allow classloader to work in all OSs jnoguera

Release 0.1 - 20050501

add Initial version of the servent core API. jnoguera
add Filter interfaces provided jnoguera
add Invokation interfaces provided jnoguera